Right to Food as Pathway to Economic Justice and Community Self-determination
On June 4-5, 2024, the National Right to Food Community of Practice (NRtF CoP) will be hosting its second annual national summit in Syracuse, NY.
This 2nd annual summit is an opportunity for food justice advocates and practitioners from across the country to come together and share strategies and solutions for progressively realizing the right to food in the United States.
Rooted in the experiences of Syracuse residents on the south side and west side, one of the main goals of the 2024 Summit is to amplify the systems and institutions that perpetuate food insecurity in high-poverty neighborhoods. In addition, we will highlight solutions implemented by community organizers and residents working on the frontlines to break the pattern of child malnutrition, stymied life opportunity, and related cycle of children entering the school-to-prison pipeline.
Keynote Panel
How does framing food as a human right move us along the continuum from food charity to food sovereignty?
Keynote Panelists & Moderator
​ME State Senator
co-author of the ME Right to Food Amendment
Associate Professor of Environmental Studies
Brandeis University
Haub Distinguished Professor of International Law
Pace Law School
Author of Black Food Geographies
Associate Professor of African and African Diaspora
The University of Texas at Austin
Member of the Onondaga Nation
Hunting and Fishing Crew at the Onondaga Nation Farm
Board Member, Syracuse-Onondaga Food Systems Alliance
Center for Resilient Communities
West VA University